martedì 8 settembre 2009

Privacy? Macché...

clipped from

Note to Gunrunners: Don’t Use Gmail

jacquesmonsieur220Belgian arms dealer Jacques Monsieur was surely surprised when he was arrested in New York last week after stepping off a flight from France. He might have been less surprised — or he may not have made the trip at all — if he had known that Google had turned over his Gmail records to the feds.

clipped from

Here’s a real copy of an American citizen’s DHS Travel Record retrieved from the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol’s Automated Targeting System (ATS). This was obtained through a FOIA/Privacy Act request and sent in by an anonymous reader (thanks!)


  • Credit card number and expiration (really)

  • IP address used to make web travel reservations

  • Hotel information and itinerary

  • Full Name, birth date and passport number

  • Full airline itinerary, including flight numbers and seat numbers

  • Cruise ship itinerary

  • Phone numbers, incl. business, home & cell

  • Every frequent flyer and hotel number associated with the subject, even ones not used for the specific reservation

Prima notizia: un venditore di armi belga è stato arrestato appena sbarcato dall'aereo in USA.

La corte dell'Alabama gli aveva monitorato la sua casella di posta Google GMail. Chiunque usa GMail è "monitorabile", e Google non può nemmeno avvisare il diretto interessato (per ordine dei magistrati USA). Allegria!

Seconda notizia: la Homeland Security tiene tracciati, per ogni cittadino USA che viaggia all'estero, carte di credito, indirizzi IP dei suoi collegamenti a internet, informazioni personali e contatti, perfino itinerari e alberghi. Allegria!

Nell'era della privacy, tutto ciò che fai in rete è "monitorabile" a tua insaputa.

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