martedì 8 settembre 2009

Attenti a quei TIR

clipped from

There have been longstanding concerns bout the safety of transporting nuclear material over the nation’s highways. Earlier this week a semitrailer carrying missile parts (but no nuclear material) operated by the U.S. Air Force overturned in North Dakota.

In this photo released by the U.S. Air Force, An Air Force semi truck carrying missile parts from the Minot Air Force Base rests in a ditch near Berthold, N.D., on Monday, Aug. 31, 2009. The Air force says the truck carried rocket engine parts for intercontinental ballistic missiles but no nuclear material. The military says the shipment contained liquid rocket fuel but it was not in danger of exploding. (AP)
Foto 1: questi bestioni a diciotto ruote sono utilizzati in USA per il trasporto di materiale nucleare.

Foto 2: un TIR carico di materiale missilistico ha un piccolo incidente e si ribalta lungo una strada del Nord Dakota

Ehm... Fate più attenzione agli incidenti nelle autostrade...

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