domenica 27 dicembre 2009

Aereo? Peggio del 41 bis!

clipped from
excerpts from an AP story as carried by Yahoo News about changes stemming from yesterday's foiled bombing attempt of a Northwest Airlines flight:
"Some airlines were telling passengers on Saturday that new government security regulations prohibit them from leaving their seats beginning an hour before landing. The regulations are a response to a suspected terrorism incident on Christmas Day. Air Canada said in a statement that new rules imposed by the Transportation Security Administration limit on-board activities by passengers and crew in US airspace. ... Flight attendants on some domestic flights are informing passengers of similar rules. Passengers on a flight from New York to Tampa Saturday morning were also told they must remain in their seats and couldn't have items in their laps, including laptops and pillows."
The TSA's list of prohibited items doesn't seem to have changed in the last day, though.
Viaggiare in aereo diventa sempre più assurdamente carcerario. Diventa peggio del regime carcerario di massima sicurezza.

Stavolta vogliono che il passeggero tenga bene in vista le mani, in modo da controllarlo. E che negli ultimi 60 minuti di volo non si muova dal suo posto.

Tutto questo in aggiunta all'assurdo divieto di portare più di 100ml di liquidi (divieto rimasto in vigore nonostante il famoso "attentato" che lo originò fosse una storia assurda inventata dai media).

Tutto questo a causa di un cretino che ha tentato di accendere un petardo in aereo. Petardo di Alcàida, naturalmente, di quelli che se li spari a capodanno fai ridere, fai ridere perfino le mosche.

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