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Il nuovo "grande" Mazinga Z (Shin Mazinger: il "Mazinga mortale"?!?) è veramente allucinante: roba da prendere a pedate nel sedere di chi lo ha voluto disseppellire e modernizzare...!
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clipped from over a time span of four minutes, starting at 02:10 UTC, a series of twenty-four ACARS messages were sent -automatically- from the plane. The messages indicated amongst other speed measurement inconsistencies, the disconnection of the autopilot and the airplane going into 'alternate law' flight control mode. This happens when multiple failures of redundant systems occur. |
clipped from Ovviamente, come sempre accade quando si è in compagnia di architetti, è saltata fuori la classica frase “Aaah, ma allora siete architetti” detta con quel tono di voce che precede una delle seguenti domande: clipped from
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As we can see from the above numbers, it’s always important to compare apples to apples. Although vendors can claim very impressive reductions from a previous generation, it is important to take note of the reference point and get past “fuzzy” claims that don’t readily enable direct comparisons to competitive offerings. An offering that requires substantially higher power and board area translates to a product that does not have competitive battery life or requires a larger form factor to accommodate a higher capacity battery and is not as cost-effective. |
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clipped from clipped from Se acquisto tutti i pezzi, nuovi e singolarmente, vado a pagare poco meno di 250 Dollari. Le istruzioni (40$) non mi servono, quindi già scendo a 210. |
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