venerdì 15 gennaio 2010

Tassista musulmano riporta i soldi a turista napoletana

clipped from
New York in November 2008. Photograph: Paul Owen

New York cabbie tracks down owner of $21,000 left on back seat

On finding that an Italian tourist had left a handbag containing more than $21,000 (£13,000) in cash - not to mention jewellery worth thousands more - on his backseat on Christmas Eve, the Bangladesh-born cabbie knew exactly what to do.

Clamoroso: una settantaduenne di Pompei in gita a New York alla scorsa vigilia di Natale, dimentica sul sedile del taxi qualcosa come ventunomila dollari e un po' di gioielli.

Il tassista, originario del Bangladesh, riesce a rintracciarla e a restituirle i soldi...

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