lunedì 8 giugno 2009

Chapel, cioè il Pascal del 2010


Chapel was designed from first principles rather than by extending
an existing language. It is an imperative block-structured language,
designed to be easy to learn for users of C, C++, Fortran, Java, Perl,
Matlab, and other popular languages. While Chapel builds on concepts
and syntax from many previous languages, its parallel features are
most directly influenced by ZPL, High-Performance
Fortran (HPF), and the Cray MTA's extensions to C and Fortran.

Tra i nuovi linguaggi di programmazione specializzati nel parallel processing, c'è questo Chapel che sembra il buon vecchio Pascal semplificato e con estensioni per multiprocessing.

C'è perfino la writeln, erano decenni che non la sentivo più nominare...

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