sabato 2 maggio 2009

Tragicomico: mac-user switchback per... eccesso di gadget

clipped from
"I work routinely in environments where a camera cannot physically be present (e.g., federal court), which really limits what I can carry with me. For instance, I'm a Mac guy, but there's no way to order a MacBook without a built-in webcam (which I've never used on the machines I've owned that have had one). Ditto the iPhone. I'm left with a BlackBerry 8830 and the bottom rung of the [W|L]Intel portables. Even then, when I ordered a Dell Mini 9, I had to wait more than a month because I specified no webcam when I placed the order. This is a relatively common (government, law, sensitive corporate environments) requirement; what have other Slashdotters done? Disabling the camera with a script or somesuch won't convince the $12/hour security guard that there's no camera. How can one easily find portable devices without a built-in camera?"
Per la serie: quegli inutili gadget da superfighetti gli impediscono di lavorare... E non può ordinare un Mac o iPhone "senza fotocamera"! Perciò switcha a Linux e a Blackberry.

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