Quick start:
- configure some local ethernet port as
- plug ethernet cable to the BeagleBoneBlack
- plug power cable - it will boot (blue leds will start flashing)
- login: ssx -X root@ (no password required); note: that is the usb0 preconfigured fixed address (accessible from ethernet as well)
- manually configure network to match my home router:
ifconfig eth0 ; echo nameserver >>/etc/resolv.conf ; logout - login again: ssh -X root@
- manually configure gateway: route add default gw
- check internet connection: ping www.google.it
- set clock: rdate tempo.ien.it
- update/upgrade stuff (takes hours!): opkg update && opkg upgrade
- install something useful: opkg install ruby
- manually reconfigure network (/etc/udev/rules.d/udhcpd.rules contains the fixed usb0 address) and reboot
- boots from NAND (mmcblk0p1: FAT 71Mb boot partition; mmcblk0p2: ext4 1.7Gb rootfs partition); some 500Mb free after first boot; /tmp is mounted to a ramdisk
- more than 300Mb RAM free at first login
- I did not yet test any microSD
- /proc/cpuinfo reports 297.4 bogomips (it's running at 600MHz now)
- systemd-based Linux Angstrom 2012.12, kernel version 3.8
- hmm... perl 5.14, python 2.7.3 and g++ 4.7.3 are already there, as well as vim; I just need ruby
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